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GFO logo About Us

The Ontario Grain Label is operated by Grain Farmers of Ontario, representing Ontario’s 28,000 barley, corn, oat, soybean and wheat farmers.

The crops they grow cover 6 million acres of farmland across the province, generate over $4.1 billion in farm gate receipts, result in over $18 billion in economic output and are responsible for over 75,000 jobs in the province.

For more information about Grain Farmers of Ontario, please visit

Grain Farmers of Ontario Initiatives

Ontario Grain Farmer Magazine logo

Ontario Grain Farmer Magazine

The Ontario Grain Farmer Magazine strives to be the number one source of information for our province’s grain farmers.

Good in Every Grain logo

Good in Every Grain

Good in Every Grain is a public outreach campaign by Grain Farmers of Ontario, developed to tell the story of Ontario’s grain farmers to consumers across the province.